religious organizations

Thank you so much for workshopping with the Teens yesterday. Your energy was much appreciated. You really got me thinking about Freedom. I especially liked the basket exercise and the transformation I saw in Jeanette, Trevor, Tom, Sadie, etc!   Vernita Perkins, Youth Advisor, Spirit Works

Thank you for speaking so eloquently to our women’s group about domestic violence and what we as a temple can do to support women and children survivors. Sylvia Levy, Sisterhood, Temple Beth Hillel

corrections - adult

Janet Bernson's work is very hands on. She tailors her program well to meet the needs of the female incarcerated population.    

Barbara Walker, Case Manager, HIV/Aids Corrections, LA County Jail

On behalf of the REACH Program, thank you for taking the time to bring your positive energy and spirit to the women in Twin Towers Correctional Facility.      Staff Education, LA County Jail

I want to thank you SO much for bringing us your positive energy and light into this dark and dingy dungeon!                  Loretta L.

This work gives me soothing tools to bring home to my kids that will help us to heal.            Danielle

God Bless You for bringing much life & light into our lives. We really enjoyed having you here.     Augusta F.

Thanks for coming to play with us, teaching us to use the trash in our lives for compost to make our future life gardens grow healthy.                       Monique C.                                     

corrections - youth

To serve young women effectively, programs must be culturally sensitive and gender related. Ms. Bernson's approach & gentle methods touched our young women deeply. Her creative work showed immediate positive effects and was an enjoyable experience for both staff and students. 

S.Washington, Girls Academy, Soledad Enrichment Action

It is with extreme joy & satisfaction that I was compelled to document the outstanding contributions you have made to the young women of our camp. Hope appeared on the horizon & shined brightly when you appeared at our camp. Your play and workshops were extremely favorable & positive experiences. All our girls were quite loud in voicing their approval. I am so pleased with your work & quite thankful to you. I recommend other community & educational institutions to experience your gifts. Stay strong  & dedicated as I know you will. 

James Petty, Sprvsr, Camp Joseph Scott, LA County Probation Dept.

It was a great experience to open feelings and use creativity to disclose such deep emotions and ideas.                     Karla, staff

I feel I learned more about myself in a few days than some people learn in an entire lifetime.              Teresa, 18

Janet took the time to care and I liked that she is also very funny.      Monica, 17

Listen to Your Body was a great activity. It helps me believe in myself.  Starr, 18

This workshop showed me to open my heart & trust my creativity.                             Faith, 12

young adult - foster youth

Janet has a unique approach to working with young adults. She encouraged self exploration with our program participants by presenting exercises in an effective and meaningful way.     Staff of Pathways Transitional Living Program, United Friends of the Children, Los Angeles

It was a great activity. It helped me believe in myself. Starr. 18

I believe Janet brings out the best in people. She actually receives the attention from her audience and gives us something to truly think about and learn. Veronica, 19

I learned I can control my anger because you showed me I can do it through the exercises you gave me. Thank you. Derrick, 19

Your workshop made me think of my lifestyle choices & how I carry myself. Adam 20

professional development

First of all, I want to thank you for a absolutely fabulous workshop -I loved it! I learned so much personally and professionally from your techniques and approach - fantastic! Such a treat. Itreally was the highlight of the CSUN  conference for me.                                                                           Anin Utigard MA, MFT

teen moms

Motivating and empowering "at risk" youth is especially challenging. Bernson's interactive workshops and books provide an experience that encourages youth to reach within and uncover potential and creativity they are surprised to discover in themselves. They are motivated to claim their power and to share with one another their newfound resource. For pregnant teens this is especially powerful because it has potential to impact two generations - mother and child. Time spent in a Bernson workshop is healing, empowering and joyfilled.   Dr. Barbara Rhodes, Professor Emeritus, California State University Northridge. & Exec. Dir. of JW Anthony Youth & Family Outreach Foundation

domestic violence

Thank you for your presentation “Healing” to the Domestic Violence Council General was valuable and we hope the individuals present were able to take with them the many positive aspects you presented....Olivia Rodriguez Exec. Dir. LA County Domestic Violence Council

As a 14 year veteran in the administration of social services, I truly believe that the "Un-Masking the Soul" program is the most innovative and creative method of working with individuals who have been traumatized. It is a program where results are truly measurable. The program design is adaptable for individuals of all ages, sexes and nationalities. This program is on the cutting edge of a new way of working with this special population. Ann Akerman, past Exec.Dir. WAVE/ Harbour Community Shelter,current Exec.Dir.Ronald McDonald House, Columbia, S.C.

On behalf of the women of Family Violence Project, I would like to thank you for the wonderful program you presented. This was a great introduction for the women to tap into their expressive selves. They all loved the process and felt it opened up new doors for them. Thank you for your time and spirit. I look forward to working with you again.   Karen Rosenthal, Clinical Coord., Family Violence Project, Jewish Family Service.

Your workshop was exactly what our clients needed; many experienced something more deeply than they have ever experienced before. Some clients held back, but I guess it's natural for some to have an invisible barrier to avoid getting hurt.  Yours was a very unique workshop, rich with emotion and art - not your typical sit and let someone lecture you type. You have a very expressive way of sharing, your artistic talent flows with your words, your movements, your way of teaching, and this I feel is very important and great. I hope that in the future, we can have the opportunity to have you come and share your wisdom with us, again. Veronica Guerrero, Center for Family Solutions, El Centro, CA

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