Un-Masking the Soul

What mask are you wearing? Does it hide the real you? Gain insight into your ideas, emotions and beliefs, release unproductive ways of being as they embrace newfound creativity and a fresh outlook on life. Presented in schools, businesses, shelters and correctional facilities.

participants learn:

• Techniques to embrace creativity

• Take important steps to let go of the inner critic

• Gain insight into emotions, beliefs and ideas

• Release un-productive ways of being

• Develop new awareness about self and others

I truly believe that Un-Masking is the most innovative and creative method ... It is a program where results are truly measurable and the design is adaptable for individuals of all ages, sexes and nationalities. It is on the cutting edge....

               Ann Akerman, Exec. Dir., WAVE

Janet’s compassion and sensitivity is curative and her information timely. This healing program is both beneficial and powerful.

               Anjanay Berrocal, Exec.Dir., Oasis Women’s Recovery

I’d been so shut down prior to Un-Masking and now my life is more open and expanding....Its like I’m seeing with new eyes. Thank you,

               Cynthia B., Shelter participant

Thank you for being sensitive to everyone’s needs and for giving such great individual attention.

               A Hollinger, Learning Annex Staff


i Listen to My Body

Your body speaks. Can you hear what it says? Participants use creative tools to listen to their bodies in new ways and embrace inner well-being. Recommended for all facing health challenges - Ideal program for health care and substance abuse recovery providers and clients.

Master Your Myth - The Path to discover your inner hero

Are you a hero? Do you believe in fairytales? The experience of violence, disease or other trauma is truly a valiant and heroic journey, yet few of us are able to recognize this. Through this highly imaginative program, participants learn to see their struggle with new eyes and realize the importance of their journey. Presented to teens, adults and seniors and those providing service in every walk of life.

Trash Selfies

Everything can be transformed. Even you! In this program we take the stuff we throw away and make magnificent self portraits.

This fun workshop has been a hit with all ages in an assortment of settings from classrooms to retirement homes!   Ages 8 -87